算盘和珠算 Abacus and Calculation with an Abacus
2009年09月03日 09:54
算盘和珠算 算盘是中国古代一项伟大的发明。 算盘是中国人在长期使用算筹(chou)的基础上发明的。古时候,人们用小木棍进行计算,这些小木棍叫“算筹”,用“算筹”作为工具进行的计算叫“筹算”。后来,随着生产的发展,需要计算的数目越来越大,用小木棍计算受到了限制,于是,人们又发明了更先进的计算器——算盘。 算盘是长方形的,四周是木框,里面固定?一根根小木棍,小木棍上穿着木珠,中间有一根横梁把算盘分成两部分:每根木棍的上半部有两个珠子,每个珠子代表五;下半部有五个珠子,每个珠子代表一。 随?算盘的使用,人们总结出许多计算口诀,使计算的速度更快了。这种用算盘计算的方法,叫珠算。到了明代,珠算已能进行加减乘除的运算,广泛用于计算物体的重量、数量、面积、体积等。 由于算盘制作简单,价格便宜,珠算口诀便于记忆,运算又简便,所以算盘在中国被广泛使用。中国各行各业都有一批打算盘的高手,而且有的人能用左右两只手同时打算盘。 算盘后来陆续流传到了日本、朝鲜、美国和东南亚等国家和地区。人们在使用过程中发现,使用算盘,除了运算方便以外,还有锻炼思维能力和动手能力的作用。因为打算盘需要脑、眼、手的密切配合,是训练综合反应能力的一种好方法。 The abacus was invented on the basis that Chinese used the counting-rod for a long period. In ancient times, people used small rods to count. Later, with the development of productivity, the amount requiring calculation was greater, and calculation with counting-rods limited the calculation. Thus, people invented a more advanced counter -the abacus. The abacus is rectangular with wooden frame on the four sides and small rods fixed inside strung with wooden beads; a girder across the middle separates the abacus into two parts: each rod has two beads on its upper part, each representing five, and five beads on the lower part, each representing one. With the application of the abacus, people summarized many abacus rhymes, increasing the calculating speed. By the time of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 AD), people could use the abacus in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, which were widely used in calculating weight, amount, space and volume. Since it is simple to make an abacus and cheap to buy one, and it is easy to remember abacus rhymes, simple and convenient to calculate with an abacus, it is widely used in China. There are many experts in the use of the abacus in all trades and professions, and some people can use an abacus with two hands at the same time. Later the abacus gradually spread into Japan, Korea, America, and countries and regions in Southeast Asia. People find that using an abacus can improve thinking and practical abilities in addition to providing convenient calculation. Since it requires cooperation of the mind, eyes and hand, it is a good way to improve the comprehensive reaction ability.